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Wednesday, 15 September 2010

She said sorry!

I avoided all the calls last night, over 40 missed calls by the time I went to bed. The eldest was up ill with ear ache most of the night so sleep was thin on the ground, not that I could of slept much after yesterdays battle.

I took a call from My Dad at 8pm and expected him to be calling to mediate but he was unaware of what had happened, I think Mum had hoped I would of taken her call accepted an apology and he would be none the wiser.

I had no choice but to go to their house this morning, I needed to drop the daughter off as she was staying off school and my diary had no give today, 6 meetings back to back and I need every bit of business I can get at the minute.

As I walked in the door she said she was sorry “as soon as I threw you out I regretted it, i have been trying to call to say sorry”.

I replied “some things in life you never expect to hear from your mother , unfortunately I have heard them repeatedly, sorry wont fixed this but I will accept your regret”.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” she sobbed “please let us put this behind us and never mention it again”.

I stayed strong despite the tears streaming down my face and said “you said so many hurtful things, things that aren’t true” She nodded and agreed “ you need to take responsibility for ruining your own relationships instead of blaming those close as every time you do this I take a step back away from you”

“I’m Sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry” I left and went to work, tired and angry but trying to focus on work.

This week has got to perk up soon??? For those that just joined the blog (thanks) I’m not normally doom and gloom, you do get to laugh as well, just not sure when that happens next.


inherservice said...

'Tis you we love; we'll take whatever life wants to dish out just to be close to you!

Personally I like PY's idea...a lot!

Sorry was past the point of apology a very long time ago!

Leah said...

Aww, so sorry. No wonder you feel dreadful. Where's the support from your husband in all of this?

heelsnstocking said...

Thanks guys x as ever husband not being supportive!